
National Poetry Month: Nikki Giovanni

Last year's poetry month post also included Nikki Giovanni, and in fact, this same book, though a different poem. Now in paperback, I highly recommend running out and picking up a copy of Bicycles: Love Poems (9780061726491, $11.99, Harper). Here's a taste of a new favorite:

Another Day (Revisited)

Librarians do it
but they do it by the book
Fisherman do it
'cause they have a special hook
Opticians do it
and they love to take a look
Zorro does it
'cause he's a special crook

Three-ring circuses
do it for the clows
Football players
do it on first downs
Swimmers do it
'cause they know they will not drown
Prince does it
'cause he likes to go down

Chefs do it
and they like to use the spices
Bakers do it
with all the bread that slices
Butchers never do it
on the job
Persnickety folk
never do it with a slob

Weather persons...in any clime
Poets do but only in good rhyme

I like this poem because it reminds me of one of my favorite songs sung by the great Ella Fitzgerald:
Let's Do It (Let's Fall in Love)


1 comment:

Vasilly said...

What a great post! I read a few of the poems in Bicycles months ago but wasn't able to read them all before returning it to the library. I will definitely give the book a try again. Great video.

Hope you're having a great weekend!